Puerto De Motril
Tourist port
Ports -
Geographical Area
Mediterranean Spain -
Lat 36° 43' 28'' N -
Long 3° 31' 39'' W -
E-mail Address
info@apmotril.com -
(+34) 958 601 207 -
Fax Number
(+34) 958 601 234 -
Motril -
Post Code
18600 -
Granada -
https://www.apmotril.com -
Recinto Portuario s/n
Minimum Draught
5 m -
Maximum Draught
8 m -
Boat Posts
160 -
Max Boat Length
20 m
Dock Services
Travel Lift
Fire Services
Engine Reparations
Electric Reparations
Weather Forecast Service
Anchorage Staff
Security Staff
Scuba Divers
The youngest port in Spain has a hundred years of experience. A century has passed and the port of Motril has been transformed, not only from the point of view of its exterior appearance, with regard to infrastructure, but also from the significant increase in the traffic of goods, the number of ships arriving and the great size of these. Many generations of Motrileños have grown and developed with it, and its design has been in the hands of a series of managers who have contributed with their knowledge and knowledge for the development of the Port. A century of existence and a future full of hope, exciting and full of expectations. A challenge that will be one of the most important socio-economic transformations of recent times and that will undoubtedly favor the development and generation of jobs. The Port Authority of Motril, aware of the importance of the moment, does not want to live this development in first person, but wants to approach this new stage of the hand of the citizens. Many were the results achieved and not least the setbacks suffered. Being the most remarkable of the latter, the fact that on every occasion we came out strengthened. But this is not a coincidence; it is the consequence of having a community that, with wisdom, has been able to work to obtain recognition. The general interest of the Port goes through the planning of a strategy as wide as possible, able to bring together companies from different parts of the country that, in compliance with environmental quality and safety standards, want to establish themselves among ourselves. Today the port of Motril has modern facilities designed for intermodality, able to respond to the challenges posed by the sector. To this is added the possibility of growth, thanks to the vast area of logistic activity, and its strategic position in a hub of land and sea communications. This last consideration is not trivial, if we keep in mind that the Port of Motril is located within the route that connects the Mediterranean with the Atlantic and, therefore, with a series of countries that export and import different goods. Furthermore, we are located in the passage of products from the Far East traveling through the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean and the Strait of Gibraltar to Europe. Motril occupies a privileged place at that intersection because our distance from the African coast is only 90 miles, while most of the sea lines entering or leaving the Mediterranean pass at most 60 miles at most from our coast.