Port Of Duca Degli Abruzzi 

General Data


Dock Services


The Port Duca degli Abruzzi is a private structure exclusively reserved for its partners, even though it can temporarily host transiting boats in case of emergency. The marina provides its guests with mooring assistance, launch and haulage services and many facilities.

It is located inside the wider harbour of Genoa and it enjoys a central position in the city, between the old harbour and the exhibition area. Boats can enter through the eastern entrance of the port of Genoa, near the lighthouse of Punta Vagno. From there, an entrance channel leads from Genova Fiera to Dock Cagni and finally to the marina.

The marina hosts the seat of Club Yacht Italiano, which owns 6 floating piers, a fixed one and about 200 berths. Other 100 mooring places are, on the contrary, owned by Lega Navale Italiana, while the rest is reserved for Rowing Club Genovese (12 berths) and Rowing Clb Elpis (68 berths).

The most important presence in the marina is of course that of Club Yacht Italiano which, founded in 1879, is the oldest yachting club in the Mediterranean. Destroyed during the Second World War, its seat and buildings were later restored and today its library contains over 1500 books and several nautical magazines.

By land, the marina can be reached by car, crossing Aldo Moro elevated section, Via della Marina and Varco Molo Giano, or by tube, getting off at S. Agostino stop.


An important attraction in the surroundings of the marina is certainly Genoa Fiera, the exhibition area which hosts the International Genoa Boat Show every year.

At the end of Molo Giano, near the entrance of the marina, there was the pilot control tower of the Harbour of Genoa, collapsed on May 7th 2016 after container ship Jolly Nero crushed into it.
