Harbour Of Bonifacio 

General Data


Dock Services


Located west of Cape Pertusato, on Southern Corsica, the harbour of Bonifacio represents a reference point for local sea life. The structure is mainly a commercial harbour, conceived to offer mooring places to local fishing boats.

However, there is also a popular marina, recently restored, with 460 mooring places and over 10,000 boats a year.

The marina can receive mega yachts up to 75 m and with a maximum draught of 12 m.

There are 250 mooring places reserved for megayachts, while the others are dedicated to recreational and fishing boats.

The structure offers a 40-ton travelift, bottom cleaning, electricity, mechanical and electrical reparations, slipway and cranes.

Entering the harbour requires a great deal of experience, since strong winds can be very dangerous here. We recommend not to exceed 3 knots. Pay attention to the fishing zone, too.

This efficent structure is embellished by the surrounding worderful Corsican sea and landscapes, especially at sunset.

The harbour of Bonifacio has always been a very important reference point in Southern Corsica, equipped with high-quality services for fishing, recreational and big boats.





