Marina Di Ischia
General Data
Ports -
Geographical Area
Campania -
Lat 40° 44' 39'' N -
Long 13° 56' 27'' E -
E-mail Address -
+39 081 3334070 -
Telephone 2
+39 333 4921859 -
Fax Number
+39 081 3331252 -
13 - 74 -
Ischia -
Post Code
80077 -
Napoli -
Website -
Via Porto 10 -
Useful Numbers
Coastal Guard: +39 081 5072801; Local expert (Mr. Ferrandino): +39 330 557937; Marina di Ischia, tel. 3: +39 339 3263713
Minimum Draught
1.2 m -
Maximum Draught
3.6 m -
Sea Bottoms
sandy and muddy -
from all winds -
Boat Posts
200 -
Port Entrance Times
24 h/24 -
Max Boat Length
50 m -
Near Anchorages
Anchoraga of Carta Romana (near the Aragonese Castle) and the anchorage post located opposite the beach west of the outer breakwater of the port
it's forbidden to drop the anchor opposite the former Argita shipyard -
Shallows on the sides of the entrance channel. Pay attention to the so-called "Sarpara" shallows which extends towards North-West-South East and situated east of the lighthouse.
Dock Services
Travel Lift
Fire Services
Engine Reparations
Electric Reparations
Weather Forecast Service
Anchorage Staff
Security Staff
Scuba Divers
Further Services
Grocery store, restaurants, coffee bars, shops and services in the town, Wi-Fi, laundry service, medical assistance, on-board massages, on-board catering, baby sitting, excursions, trekking, riding courses, mooring and unmooring assistance, shipchandler's shop, car/scooter and bike parking lots, on-board entertainment, interprete, kiosk, ice.
Ischia is the largest of the Phlehrean Islands and the third among the most populated Italian islands (after Sicily and Sardinia). It hosts different ports but the main ones are those of Ischia and Casamicciola.
The Port of Ischia is a natural port. It was originally a 100,000-square-metre lake, called "Pantaniello", hosting the small inhabited islet of Tondo. Today, what remains of this islet is just a round ruined structure. The lake was just a pair of metres deep.
Pantaniello became a port thanks to Frederick II who aimed to give an important commercial boost to the island and made the travel to his personal residence easier.
But the works took a very long time and the new port was inaugurated only on September 17th 1854, even if some completion works lasted some years.
Today, the port is entirely covered with quays and it is perfectly sheltered from all winds by an outer breakwater. The sea bottom is composed by mud and sand and has a depth varying from 0,7 to 3.6 m. At the quay, the maximum draught is 1.2 m.
The structure offers 200 berths, 3 of which are reserved for transiting boats. The access to the port is allowed to boats no longer than 50 m.
Before entering the port (half-mile before the entrance channel), yachtsmen are required to contact Circomare Ischia on VHF channel 13.
On a side of the port, there's the so-called "Riva Destra" or "Rive Droite": rich of restaurants and discopubs, it represents the heart of the nightlife on the island. On the opposite site, on the contrary, the so-called "Riva Sinistra" receives cargo ships and tourist ferries.
The port hosts the Marina di Ischia, which offers a great plurality of services. It's an etremely modern marina, able to satisfy the most demanding yachtsmen. It offers drinkable water, electricity, waste collection, illuminated quays and a 24-hour watchmen service, in addition to electric and electronic repairs and maintenance services on wooden and fiberglass boats. Yachtsmen can even require free checks aboard.
The marina also offers a filling station which provides with both patrol and diesel.
For further information about the services provided, please see "Other services" at the bottom of the page.