Can The Spell Backfire Or Have Unintended Consequences? +27739970300

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Types of love spells commonly used with fast results

There are a few common types of love spells used to attract lost loves or exes back into your life.

Candle Magic +27739970300

Lighting a candle and focusing on your intention is one of the simplest ways to cast a love spell. Choose a candle color like red or pink to represent love and passion. As you light the candle, visualize your ex and state your intention for reconciliation. Let the candle burn out completely to release the energy. Do this for several nights in a row to strengthen the spell.


Written spells

Write your ex’s name on a piece of paper along with your desire to reunite. Fold the paper up and keep it under your pillow or in your pocket. This helps to focus love and attraction on the person whose name is on the paper. You can also write a letter to your ex pouring out your feelings, then burn it to symbolically send those emotions to them through the smoke.

Objects of affection

Gather objects that remind you of your ex like photos, gifts, or items of clothing. Arrange them on your altar or a table devoted to the spell. Focus your energy on each object as a representation of your ex, visualizing the happy memories you shared and stating your intention to reconnect. Keep the objects arranged until you start to notice positive changes, then you can retire the spell.

The key to any lost love spell is visualizing the outcome you desire, focusing your emotional and mental energy to attract your ex back into your life. While these spells can be quite powerful, there is no guarantee of success. But by opening yourself up to the possibility of reconciliation, you increase the chances of rekindling your lost love.

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