Lost Love Spells: Do They Really Work To Reunite Lovers? +27739970300

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Before casting a lost love spell, you need to prepare yourself and your space. This spell work requires focus and determination to reunite you with your ex, so make sure you go into it with a clear mind and open heart.

Gather the necessary supplies: +27739970300

  • Pink candle (for love and romance)
  • Rose quartz crystal (to attract love)
  • Picture of you and your ex
  • Rose petals
  • Lavender essential oil (to relieve stress and promote harmony) https://alovespells.com/ #lost-love-spell/

Next, cleanse your space by burning sage or incense and meditate to clear your mind. Visualize you and your ex happy together. Focus on the good times you shared and the qualities you still admire in them. This will make your desire to get back together more sincere.

Anoint the pink candle with a few drops of lavender oil and place it in a holder. Put the rose quartz, a picture of you both, and rose petals around the candle. Light the candle and say aloud:

“We were once united in love and harmony. Our bond was true, our hearts were free. Fate has torn us now apart, but love still lingers in my heart. Bring us back together, make us one, under the light of sun and moon and sun.”

Keep the candle lit as long as possible while continuing to visualize reuniting with your lost love. The longer the candle burns, the stronger your spell. Repeat the spell for 7 to 9 days until the candle has burned away completely. Dispose of the remaining wax and other items to signify the end of the ritual.

Believe your lost love will return to you and remain optimistic. Magic works best when you have faith in the outcome! Stay open to reconciliation and watch for signs your ex is thinking of you. With time and patience, this powerful lost love spell may bring you back together at last. https://alovespells.com/lost-love-spell/

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