La Maddalena Archipelago - Cala Lunga - Razzoli Island
General Data
Anchorages -
Geographical Area
Sardinia -
Lat 41° 17' 59'' N -
Long 9° 20' 39'' E -
E-mail Address -
Capitaneria di Porto La Maddalena 0789-736709 -
La Maddalena -
Olbia-Tempio -
Website -
Razzoli island
Minimum Draught
1 m -
Maximum Draught
6 m -
Sea Bottoms
sandy and rocky -
1st and 2nd quadrant -
Port Entrance Times
24h/24; please sail in the middle of the entrance channel -
Near Anchorages
Porto Madonna - Cala Santa Maria
Please pay attention to some rocks situated along the coastline and on the left of the bay -
west wind
Dock Services
Travel Lift
Fire Services
Engine Reparations
Electric Reparations
Weather Forecast Service
Anchorage Staff
Security Staff
Scuba Divers
Cala Luga is the only anchorage on Razzoli Island, situated at the Strait of Bonifacio. It is a deep well-sheltered bay equipped with a small jetty in the north-eastern side. The cove is situated in the western part of the island and offers a good shelter from all winds, except for west ones. Cala Lunga consists of two different gorges with rocky-and-sandy sea bottoms, about 3-4 metres deep in the innermost part. Yachtsmen can drop the anchor in both gorges: the northernmost one is a little smaller but offers a better shelter from winds. When entering the cove, yachtsmen are required to pay particular attention to a series of submerged rocks situated all around the gorges. Cala Lunga offers no services. Only in summer, a multi-buoy mooring terminal is installed in the bay to allow yachtsmen to moor and drop the anchor. Razzoli Island is part of La Maddalena Archipelago National Park and it therefore subject to a multitude of environmental retrictions. All yachting activities, inclusind staying at anchor in the bay, require special permissions. Yachtsmen can ask for them on the official website of the Park or at the offices of the body, on La Maddalena Island or in the town of Palau. Consisting of soft sand and pebbles, the beach is reachable only by boat. Sea bottoms are pristine and rich of flora and fauna. The particular conformation of the cove, surrounded by a multitude of rocks, makes the bay perfect for snorkeling. The beach is a good starting point for an excursion to Razzoli Island, the wildest island of the archipelago, where landscape offers wonderful granit rocks and a rich Mediterranean forest. The island is particularly rich of helichrysum, that gives a particular yellow colour to the whole landscape. From the beach starts the only mule track leading to the lighthouse. The path is not demanding and extends along a track once used by locals to carry materials. Today, the path allows to enjoy breath-taking views of the island and the Strait of Bonifacio. The building of the old lighthouse was built in 1843. It was a very powerful lighthouse and required the efforts of many families before the introduction of electricity. Today, the building is abandoned but still preserves its old charm. Video by Raita1973