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Dock Services


Given the low number of private marinas and public ports in some areas of Greece, it's good to be informed about the alternative anchorages which offer a good shelter, especially taking into accont that Greece is very crowded by yachtsmen in summer, especially the area around the Saronic Gulf, famous for its beautiful coasts and its proximity to Athens.

From there, in fact, many yachtsmen leave to spend a weekend in one among the most popular destinations near the Peloponnese, such as Kheli, Spetsai, Hydra Island, all very attractive bu with very few mooring places.

Hence the small Dokos Island can be useful: located halfway between Hydra and the mainland, it offers, in addition to some woderful beaches, three-four anchorage points offering an excellent shelter from all winds.

The island itself is almost uninhabited and offers no attractions, except for a tavern and some picturesque buildings. However, it's famous because a very ancient wreck, dating back to 2000 BC, was found near one of its bays.

The best anchorage points can be found on the north-eastern shore of the island, where a large bay, called Ormos Skindos, offers an excellent shelter together with a smallest one, located west of it, characterized by a particular Y-shape.

In the main bay, you can move towards the eastern cove located just near the entrance, where there are the remains of the wreck mentioned above; here, the seabottom is, however, 15-20 m deep, so it's a little difficult to drop the anchor. If, on the contrary, you set course to south, there are other 3-4 good anchorage points: depth varies from 3 to 10 m and the seabottom is composed by sand and seaweeds.

You can find a tavern on the eastern shore of the bay; you can contact it on VHF channel 16 if necessary.

The last option is offered by the Y-shaped natural cove located west of the entrance of the bay. This deep bay offers a sandy good holding ground and a good shelter from winds, except for Meltemi. Some mooring ropes are available on land.

The island is rather bare and almost uninhabited; anyway, it represents a good solution to spend a quite night at anchor
